NOWSPAR Expectations for 2014 National Budget

Pics- Sheroes 026The Government of Zambia through the Ministry of Finance and National Planning is developing the budget plan for the year 2014. NOWSPAR Executive Director Matilda Mwaba speaks about the expectations we have for this budget.
As NOWSPAR, we are confident that the government will be respectful of its commitment to the people of Zambia and to delivering on its promises of development by investing across sectors. A key factor is the broader vision and plans for the nation such as the Sixth National Development Plan, we need to ensure sport is treated as a cross-cutting area to be used and invested in by all sectors and at all levels and that it connects to the rest of the national priorities around poverty reduction and economic investment.
Throughout all actions, our interest is in the outcomes and impact of these allocations to ensure they reach both men and women equitably through a diversity of sport and recreation. We are also concerned about these resources being distributed for the benefit of the population across age groups and geographic reach.

  1. Infrastructure: We would like to see continued allocation to development and rehabilitation of sport infrastructure at district level to improve access at local level and increase sport related investments from other stakeholders
  2. Decentralisation: We look forward to seeing investment in this process to ensure that service of sport and    recreation are taken closer to the people and channels of service delivery and accountability are strengthened.
  3. Human Capacity Development: Allocation to development of expertise at governance, administrative, coaching and athlete levels
  4. International Engagements: We would like to see allocation for preparation and participation in international competitions as well as policy meetings at regional and international levels.
  5. Governance of Sport: Allocation to reinforce the functioning of sport governance structures including the National Sport Council, Paralympic Committee and Boxing Board.
  6. Legislation and International Protocols: We would like to see allocation to review of the NSCZ Act and to its implementation. Allocation to commitments made through international protocols and agreements.
  7. Policies: Our interests are in allocations enabling implementation of national policies in the sport sector including National Strategic Plan on GBV, National Gender mainstreaming, youth empowerment and social security.
What we would expect is a manifestation of the increasing recognition of the cross-sectorial nature of sport through an increase in allocation that is spread out into various ministries and departments. For example, increase in the allocation to sport in the Ministry of Home Affairs, in Education, Health and Local Government.
We recognise that we may not get transformational impact through this budget, but what we would like it to do, is to provide some strategic investments that lay a foundation for building long term change.